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                Since I began working with clay, the pieces that really represent my work and the style I wish to present, are the ones that, at their most basic level, are cute. I make animals and flowers, but I also make monsters devouring people and conceptual pieces based on the damaging effects people have on the planet. Long story short, I make cute work regardless of the content. Cute is what I aim for, it's alluring, it's disarming, it draws people in. Ars gratia artis or 'art for art's sake' is a concept I have always firmly believed in, art doesn't need to have some grand underlying concept to be art, some things just are. Some pieces are simply aesthetically pleasing, that people just love to look at, and they hold just as much influence and power as pieces with complex explanations. I want my art to be for everyone, not something that has to be puzzled out to even be understood. If the cuteness draws people in close and they find some meaning in my work, either intentional or their own personal meaning, well that's just icing on the cake.

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